The Sawaj Camel from the Ultralight range is our lightest tent with a frame. If you need to save every gram on your trips, this model is the right choice for you. The frame of this double-skin freestanding tent consists of a single pole that on each end divides into two branches – guaranteeing wind resistance and stability. Sawaj Camel provides enough room to comfortably fit two people.
Characteristics of the Sawaj Camel 2 tent:
Dimensions | (W × L × H) 140 x 285 x 110 cm |
Dimensions | (packed tent) 40 x 12 cm |
Weight | min./total 1.5/1.8 kg |
Design | Double-skin freestanding tent with poles on the inside |
Outer tent water column | 3,000 mm H2O |
Groundsheet water column | 10,000 mm H2O |
Poles | ø 8.5 mm duralumin Y poles |
Accessories | lightweight dural pegs, repair kit, mesh pocket for storing small items, compression sack |
POLES: Dural
Thanks to its advantageous properties, this material is widely used for outer tent structures, especially for expedition tents where every gram counts. Dural is an alloy combining aluminum with other elements to give it a low weight and the ability to withstand a large loads.
GROUNDSHEET: 70D 210T nylon, polyurethane (coating 10,000 mm H2O)
70D 210T nylon
A very light and breathable material that’s also sufficiently firm and elastic. This is what makes it so resistant to tearing and other mechanical damage. It’s also suitable for freezing conditions because it has good thermal insulation properties.
Polyurethane (coating 10,000 mm H2O)
The polyurethane coating provides permanent impregnation and is applied directly onto the material in various layers. This special treatment of the material prevents water penetration. The coating parameter is given by the height of the water column (stated in mm H2O), in other words the ability of the material to withstand water pressure.
OUTER TENT: 20D 360T ripstop nylon
ripstop nylon
Very light and breathable synthetic fibres that are also sufficiently strong and elastic. That’s why they are very resistant to tearing. This material is also suitable for freezing cold conditions because it has good thermal insulation properties. In addition, the fabric is reinforced with a ripstop finish. Fabrics woven using this technology prevent mechanical damage, and if any such damage occurs, they stop it spreading further.
Siliconizing (double-side coating 3,000 mm/cm²)
A silicon coating is a reliable way of protecting the material against dampness as efficiently as possible, and it does so permanently. The impregnation is second to none, it’s light and extra-strong, and applied on the outer layer of the tent. Moreover, a material with this coating has a considerably higher resistance to UV radiation, as well as good thermal insulation properties. So it can be used even at very low temperatures.
The double-side silicon coating, in combination with the nylon and ripstop finish of the material constitutes currently the most advanced and lightest combination of technologies. Due to siliconizing, nylon is protected from UV radiation and is absolutely waterproof. Furthermore, this version makes it possible to use the lowest possible material weight.
INNER TENT: 20D ripstop nylon
20D ripstop nylon
Very light and breathable synthetic fibres that are also sufficiently strong and elastic. That’s why they are very resistant to tearing. This material is also suitable for freezing cold conditions because of its good thermal insulation properties. In addition, the fabric is reinforced with a ripstop finish. Fabrics woven using this technology prevent mechanical damage, and if any such damage occurs, they stop it spreading further.
Najľahší stan s konštrukciou a váhou 1,6 kg sme otestovali na hrebeni Malej Fatry. Zamerali sme sa na konštrukčné riešenie, rýchlosť postavenia a hlavne či naozaj poskytuje dostatok priestoru pre dvoch ľudí.
Přečíst si recenziKdyž se člověk vydává na 4 měsíční cestu na motorce, kde ho čeká nejen spoustu kilometrů, ale především hodně kilometrů mimo asfaltky a cesty řeší každé kilo a prostor na motorce. Protože, čím je motorka lehčí, tím je s ní méně práce a o to více zábavy a o to přece jde! Pořádně si užít cestu ve všech směrech!
Přečíst si recenziNa naší cestě po JV Asii jsme sebou měli ještě jednoho parťáka, a to stan Sawaj Camel 2.
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